Iamamiwhoami: Is the ‘Dirrty’ Girl Truly the One Under All that Mud?

I know, I know…I’m a mess, and you probably stopped caring about three posts ago. Whatever. I’m still on the prowl for answers!

In light of more than a few coincidences regarding the viral videos that have been e-mailed to me over the past few weeks, I am now back to believing that this may in fact be the work of camp Christina. Why? Let us explore.

I. The Sony BMG upload.

This picture has been uploaded on Sony BMG’s official site in Germany. Lest we forget, it looks JUST LIKE HER.

II. The photo campaign.

According to Ma’ariv, an Israeli newspaper, the incredibly talented Alix Malka was responsible for the cover art of Christina’s upcoming album. If this were true, the videos would fall in line with the artist’s vision: Malka’s fashion photographs are similarly rich with high quality detail and flowing, vibrant color, as well as a fixation on the natural world. While this one’s a bit of a stretch, there’s no way to dismiss this as a possibility either.

III. The video names.

This was the one that sealed the deal for me: If you add up all of the numbers before a decimal and attach a letter to its corresponding number (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) you’ll notice that each video has a distinct message:

Prelude 699130082.451322 = (38.17) = (CH.AG) = CH. AG. = I. A. M. CH. = I.T.S.M.E.C.

More than just a coincidence? I’m starting to think so, yes.

Thank you very much to Muuser Ben, who pointed out all three of these rather intriguing finds–and made me a possible believer in the process.

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