Introducing…Armand Mirpour!

This is Armand Mirpour. He is of the Swedish variety, yet neither red nor a fish.

I find him interesting.

He writes in that semi-pompous, semi-worldly sort of indie-folk way that indie-folk folks like to employ within their MySpace pages.

He wears silly clothing in some occasions, and looks rather attractive in others.

His music varies from folk, to rock, to casual listening…all quite nice for 2 AM writing.

You should try him out here. I recommend every single track.

Since you’re too lazy, I’ve added the extra enticement of an already embedded MP3 to minimize your valuable click time. Please note that this is one of his most energetic tracks, and not an accurate representation of the larger body of his work.

Thanks to Swedesplease for the find!

Daily B: Come On, Vogue

Daily B: Come On, Vogue

I realize that MuuMuse is slowly dwindling down into a Britney fan site, but

Yum Yum!

Yum Yum!

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