Nobuchika Reloaded

With the help of Miss E from the From You To Muu (over on the right), a fan site, and two years of Japanese training in college, I have determined that Eri Nobuchika is indeed recording a new album!

According to her blog, Eri is finishing the mastering of a new record due sometime in June! And, unless I’m mistaken, this is the list of producers and/or collaborators: 大橋トリオ、沖仁、さかいゆう、高田漣、DSK(Port of notes)、Ryuichiro Yamaki、THE COMPANY.

That’s all I got so far…if anyone else has got more information on this release, please let me know!

When Love Takes Over, Yeah Ee Ahh.

When Love Takes Over, Yeah Ee Ahh.

Stop whatever you’re doing

iTunes: Song Of The Week (4/20)

iTunes: Song Of The Week (4/20)

It appears as though US iTunes’ “Song Of The Week” is none

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