Daily B: Last Chance

Today’s been marked as one of the most important court dates for Britney to attend in this entire custody case. As of right now (12:35 PM), Britney has not yet arrived at the courthouse. Kevin Federline and his attorneys are already there, as well as her lawyers. X17 is reporting that Britney is still at home. If she doesn’t show up, she will inevitably lose the rights permanently. Updates pending…

EDIT 1: It is 3:28 PM, and Britney has yet to show at the courthouse. According to TMZ, the morning session proceeded without her, and a LAPD officer has already shared his testimony regarding her breakdown last week. Her lawyers claim that they hopeful for her presence during the afternoon session of the hearing, but I think everyone can agree, she most likely ain’t coming.

EDIT 2: Around 3:30 PM TMZ caught Britney’s arrival to the courthouse, expected to give her own testimony along with several others. The hearing is also expected to run into tomorrow.

It turns out Britney never entered the building. She told the paparazzi to back off, that she was scared, and then immediately turned around and booked it out of there. She was later seen praying at a church, and then going back home. Visitation rights are still denied, and it remains to be seen if she will ever have them back.

And you, what do you think?

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