You Can’t Unsee It

After some confirmation, the ultra-high quality version of the new Madonna album cover is now floating within cyberspace. Click above to see it (allow time to load in full). Points to note:

She’s acquired a new nickname of sorts as featured on the bling on her fingers and the boxing belt around her waist: M-Dolla. Groaning, dry heaving, and nerve damage from elaborate eye-rolling commences.

Additionally, the slogan around the “M” on her belt: “Give It 2 Me”, is a song from her album. Hints to a new single and/or lead off from the album? Maybe.

No one wants to, but everyone will in fact survey her needlessly exposed vagina in all of its HQ glory.

And here is the supposed scan of the full album package. I don’t quite believe it. Or really, I don’t want to. The spacing of the song titles? Eek!

The message of this album comes six years too late. If she was edgy urban in ’02, maybe we’d all ride the Donna wave. Now it’s like watching a sad “Hey, Remember the ’00’s Show!” still in progress.

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