What the hell was that, a Britney fan video? Danity Kane‘s latest video for “Bad Girl” is like a low budget rip of “Toxic,” with dozens of nausea-inducing camera cuts and cheesy on-screen comic book graphics. Rip-off moments include: Shannon’s entire motorcycle sequence, Aubrey’s toss-and-kiss cop sequence, and the constant wig changes.
I don’t like most of what’s happening here…Who gave Aubrey that horrible red lipstick? Is there nothing the make up artists can do to stop the group from looking like men in drag? Why is Shannon’s hair changing colors from blonde to black? Oh wait…all of their hair seems to change. Is that what happens when the red light comes on? Everything looks so terribly cheap. Good dance break though, and Missy looked quite comfortable doing what it is that she does. Welcome to the Dollhouse remains one of the best albums of 2008, but I’m maintaining that Danity Kane is better heard, not seen. Which, now that I think about it, is quite rare for a mid-to-low talent pop group.