Daily B: Bickering Idiots

According to news reports from X17Online, Britney has officially filed a restraining order against Adnan, paparazzo leech, with the help of money-grubbing enabler Sam Lutfi. TMZ posted a retort of sorts, claiming that Adnan contacted them personally and said that he was unaware of any such order, and that Britney has “been in the care of Sam” the entire time. Put it all together, and the situation slightly resembles some unholy war amongst the filth of the earth, with no clear winner in sight. Meanwhile, the world stands watching as a human being with no limitations or concerns continues to be dragged deeper into the world of exploitation and abuse.

Wowing It Up.

Wowing It Up.

Hope everyone’s having a lovely Sunday afternoon

Summer In Winter

Summer In Winter

I spoke about Paris about a month ago, but I don’t think you get how

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