Sky Ferreira, you crazy little bitch.
The video for “Obsession” is about Sky Ferreira obsessing over someone. It is also amazing.
Here, the teenage dream has the hots for–who else?–Reservoir Dogs star (and accomplished villain extraordinaire), Michael Madsen. I’ll save you the Google–his Wiki is right here. God, could you pick a more obvious star to stalk, Sky?
Now, let us cut the bullshit and analyze some of the AMAZING:
1. Her hair. It’s worth no less than three to four dissertations.
2. The opening glare-of-death as the couple suck face during the video’s introduction. (As Muuser Parker F. suggested, can someone please .GIF this moment for me, immediately? K THX.)
3. The side-eyed glare-of-death at the friends judging her freaky fandom while sitting in her bed around the 2-minute mark.
4. The fact that her ‘obsession’ is so ridiculously random, so insanely ironic, that she’s basically saying ‘YES I KNOW THIS SOUNDS KIND OF LIKE A KE$HA/KATY PERRY SONG BUT–HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!” ~*Throws glitter*~ and then basically punches us all right in the balls with her too-indie-to-comprehend-by-mere-mortals hipster socialite aura.
I just love everything about this.
Although I must admit: By the end, I’m left personally puzzled. Is the message supposed to be that this isn’t normal fan behavior? I guess that’s why Brit Brit never answers my calls. Or the letters written in blood. :(
“Obsession” was released on September 14. (iTunes)
PS: Still obsessing? Sink your teeth into this positively titillating piece regarding all things Sky, written by Sam Lansky. Then check out the MuuMuse interview with Sky Ferreira!