Meat Pies!

Just got back from a screening of Sweeney Todd. As a horror movie enthusiast and worshiper of the darkness, I loved this movie dearly. In my eyes, Tim Burton can do no wrong. All of the characters were deliciously morbid, as though the creatures from A Nightmare Before Christmas came alive. But to warn you, and this one is obvious, there will be blood. Obscene amounts. As Depp whispered to his dearest friend (his blade) “You shall drip rubies, you’ll soon drop precious rubies.” My personal favorite was of course Mrs. Lovett, though I can’t help but wonder what it must have been like for Tim Burton to film his off-screen wife with his on-screen leading man? Anywho, the cast was bloody, and I do mean bloody, brilliant. I loved every moment of it, though I was grimacing through most of it.

See Sweeney Todd in theaters today.

And you, what do you think?

Lights and Voices

Lights and Voices

You’ll have to excuse the looks of this place


On this merriest of eves, I would like to introduce another unknown artist that

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