Eye Candy

As you all know, Beyoncé’s camp got a bit careless and allowed a song from her upcoming album to leak while still considered a work in progress. Now if you’re anything like me, you found the song to be intensely perplexing, featuring vocabulary such as “beautiful,” “stars,” and “rain.” Thankfully, a visual accompaniment has surfaced to illustrate the song’s comprehensive plot line:

This also serves as a proper excuse to hear the song once more and declare it “a little good, but kind of not.” Many thanks to my reader Erica for bringing this video to my attention.

Delightfully Curious

Delightfully Curious

A few days ago, I discovered Neonbelle

3D Clay and Icelandic Songstresses

3D Clay and Icelandic Songstresses

She never fails to outdo herself in the weird department, now does she?

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