MTV Goes GaGa

Lady GaGa
‘s continuing to prove herself to be as well-spoken and driven as I could have ever hoped. After a successful television debut performance and a smattering of interviews, I’ve invested a lot of hope in the Lady to revive and refresh the larger-than-life musical artist, a breed of entertainers dying out quickly in today’s pop market. I love her direction, her style, and everything in between. I mean, even the two voguing dancers behind her–That’s what I’m talking about! She’s molding her own superstardom…just as intended.

P.S. Isn’t that the girl from America’s Next Top Model interviewing her?

Daily B: What Should Have Been

Daily B: What Should Have Been

Imagine, if you will, a world where Britney‘s cameo in the Pussycat

Beach Boys & Snoop Dogg…Together At Last

Beach Boys & Snoop Dogg…Together At Last

Wait, what?

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